Latest News and Events |
Alex's art in the Smithsonian permanent collection |
As many of you know, Alex's artwork is now in the permanent collection of the Smithsonian's National Gallery in Washington, DC. Some of you have asked for more information about this, and we will post it here when we have updates.
Gavin MacLeod Portrait Update |
Alex's portrait of Gavin MacLeod, painted with mixed media on paper, is now viewable on our portraits page. For more information, please contact us.
Two More Offset Lithographs Sell Out |
The lithographs of Spectrum (11.7" x 15.5"), as well as the lithographs of Currents (11.7" x 16.6"), have recently sold out and will no longer be available. We thank everyone who purchased these prints from this website!
Alex's Portrait of Gavin Macleod |
Recently Alex put final touches on the portrait that Gavin MacLeod posed for in person. Completed not long before Gavin passed away, it stands as a lasting tribute to his life and much-loved personality. Gavin has been a great friend, supporter, and collector of Alex's work over many years. Stay tuned for more information to be posted on this website at a later time.
Two Offset Lithographs Sell Out |
The offset lithograph edition of Hawaiian Lions (11.25" x 14.3") and the matted offset lithographs of Kaleidoscope (10.6" x 13.5"; fits standard 16" x 20" frame) have both sold out and are no longer available. Many thanks to all who have viewed and purchased these prints on this website!
Alex's Artwork on Hawaii Five-0 |
As some of you noticed, Alex's artwork recently appeared in scenes of Hawaii Five-0 on CBS. Scenes for the show were filmed in the home of collectors who own a number of Alex's works, including Two Plumerias.
Destination Lithographs Sell Out |
The offset lithograph edition of Destination (11.7" x 15.6") has sold out. This marks a milestone, as this edition was twice as large as Alex's other offset print editions. Special thanks to Go Kailua magazine for featuring a full-page spread of this image in their article about Alex's artwork last year.
Cover story on Alex's art in Go Kailua magazine |
Go Kailua magazine recently visited Alex's studio and interviewed him about his artwork. To see their cover story ("Alex Steelsmith: Kailua's Kaleidoscopic Artist"), click here and scroll down.
Smaller Hibiscus Greeting Cards Sold Out |
We are now sold out of Hibiscus 4.25" x 5.5" Folded Greeting Cards with Envelopes (Box of 15). Please note that these cards will continue to be available un-boxed as individual cards and for bulk orders. We will also continue to make Hibiscus cards available in the larger (5" x 6.8") size.
News Story on Alex's Portrait of Senator Inouye |
A video of Alex discussing the Senator's portrait on the news is now posted online. (Hawaii News Now visited Alex's studio, and he was interviewed for this story by news anchor Tannya Joaquin.) Many thanks for all the comments you've emailed us about this. Click here to watch the video.
Portrait by Alex That Senator Inouye Posed For |
As many of you have heard, toward the end of his life Senator Inouye personally sat for Alex to paint his portrait. For more information, click here. We've received unprecedented interest in this portrait, so Alex has made reproductions on canvas available. To reserve a print, please contact us.
We've sold out of the matted 4.6" x 6.5" Currents prints. However, this artwork is still available as both an 8" x 10" matted print (which fits a standard 11" x 14" frame) and an 11" x 14" matted print (which fits a standard 16" x 20" frame), as well as an un-matted lithograph and a giclee in two sizes.
New web pages feature samples of Alex's writing |
Many of you have asked for more information about Alex's writing, so we've posted these pages to answer your most frequent questions. They include an overview of Alex's work as a writer, and excerpts from published books and articles. You can access the new pages by visiting
A new book Alex coauthored with Laurie Steelsmith is now available in bookstores and on as both a paperback and Kindle edition. The book, titled Great Sex, Naturally: Every Woman's Guide to Enhancing Her Sexuality Through the Secrets of Natural Medicine, is an all-purpose guide for supporting women's health and libido. Alex's illustrations for the book consist of 12 drawings. To learn more about the book, visit this page on Amazon.
Giclees now available in extra-large sizes |
Many of the giclees on this website can now be specially ordered in sizes of up to approximately 41" by practically any other dimension. (For example, you can order a print of Bananas with an image size of 41" x 92".) Some of our extra-large prints are available on both canvas and watercolor paper. Contact us for details and pricing.
Hibiscus lithograph (matted) sold out |
The matted 11.7" x 15.8" lithograph of Hibiscus (fits a standard 16" x 20" frame) is now all sold out. The un-matted lithograph of this image in the same size is still available, as well the 8" x 10" matted print (fits a standard 11" x 14" frame), the 5" x 7" matted print (fits a standard 8" x 10" frame), and boxed greeting cards.
Alex Returns to Europe |
This summer Alex revisited many of the original artworks in Florence and Rome that inspired him many years ago. His travels also included time spent in Venice, along the Italian Riviera, and exploring the Swiss Alps.
Gavin MacLeod Acquires Recent Work by Alex |
TV and Hollywood actor Gavin MacLeod, who has collected Alex's artwork for many years, now has another piece to add to his collection - an elaborate work that Alex completed using mixed media. Click here to learn more. After hanging the work on his wall, Gavin emailed us to say that Alex is "one of the most gifted artists in the world." Thank you, Gavin, for your generous support!
New Telephone Ordering Available |
We're pleased to announce that all prints and greeting cards on this website can now be ordered by phone through Steelsmith Natural Health Center in Honolulu. All major credit cards are accepted. To phone in an order, call (808) 943-0330 during regular business hours (9:00 am to 5:00 pm Hawaii time, most weekdays and Saturdays). When your order is ready it can be picked up at the health center, located at 438 Hobron Lane, Suite 314. Orders can also be shipped; for information on shipping cost, click here.
Offset Lithographs Sell Out |
The offset lithograph edition of Pas de Deux (11.75" x 14.5") has now sold out and is no longer available. Many thanks to all who have viewed Pas de Deux on this website, and all who have purchased the prints. This is the second offset lithograph and the fourth separate print edition to sell out since this site was launched.
Two New Greeting Cards Published, including Destination |
In addition to the boxed sets of Holiday and "Interiors" greeting cards of Alex's works, Pomegranate Communications is also publishing two individual (unboxed) cards. The cards are five by seven inches and feature two of Alex's paintings, including Destination. Pomegranate's products are available at Barnes & Noble and other bookstores and retail chains internationally.
Matted Offset Lithographs Sold Out |
We are now sold out of matted offset lithographs of Pas de Deux (11.75" x 14.5"). We still have a small number of the un-matted prints of Pas de Deux left, but we expect they will be sold out soon. Please contact us if you would like to reserve one of the last offset lithographs of Pas de Deux in the edition.
New Interiors Greeting Cards Published |
A new set of boxed greeting cards of Alex's artwork is being published and distributed internationally by Pomegranate Communications. The cards feature four of Alex's interiors paintings, including Silent Light and Morning Sun. Look for the new cards at your local Barnes & Noble, or other bookstores and gift shops. They can also be purchased online from Pomegranate Communications. The new boxed card sets are titled Alex Steelsmith Interiors.
New Prints Available |
Open edition archival prints of Cascadia, one of Alex's tulip field paintings, are now available for the first time. The new edition is printed on thick paper stock with acid-free ink. For more information about Cascadia and the new print, click here.
Mountaineering Update |
On account of an injury sustained during a climbing expedition, Alex has had to postpone all mountaineering plans for the forseeable future. We will keep you posted on future expeditions and developments if and when more information becomes available.
Greeting Cards at Barnes & Noble |
Those of you in Hawaii will be pleased to know that the new boxed sets of Holiday greeting cards of Alex's works (see News items below), published by Pomegranate Communications, are available at Barnes & Noble stores in Hawaii and elsewhere.
Cards Available to Collectors at a Special Price |
The new Holiday greeting cards featuring Alex's artworks (see News item below) are in retail stores. We also have a limited number of cards available at a special price exclusively for collectors of Alex's works. Please contact us if you would like more information. If you are a private collector on our mailing list, we will send you sample images of the works.
New Greeting Cards From Pomegranate Communications |
A collection of boxed greeting cards featuring Alex's art has been produced by Pomegranate Communications, a California-based company. The company's products are distributed worldwide to major retail chains, including Barnes & Noble and other bookstores. They are also found in numerous museum gift shops, specialty stores, and other locations.
New Online Gallery |
We've launched a "Private Online Gallery" exclusively for collectors of Alex's artworks. This allows us to exhibit artworks not available on this website or to the general public. The artworks are viewable by password only; private collectors are provided with the website address to visit, a login name, and a password that gives them access to the online gallery.
If you are a private collector of Alex's artworks and would like more information, please contact us.
Aloha! Prints Sold Out |
We have sold out of the 12" x 16.2" Open Edition prints of Aloha! on Archival Paper (un-matted), as well as the 11" x 14" matted prints (mat size 16" x 20"). Matted prints of Aloha! are still available in the 8" x 10" inch size (mat size 11" x 14") and the 5" x 7" size (mat size 8" x 10"). Giclees of Aloha! are also available in three sizes.
Works to be Published Internationally |
Alex recently signed a deal with a mainland publishing company to reproduce and distribute a number of his artworks. The works will be distributed to locations throughout the United States, Canada, and Europe, as well as in Asia and other areas. If you are a collector on our mailing list, stay tuned for more information; we will be sending you sample images of the works and details on this new development.
Offset Lithographs Sold Out |
We are now sold out of the entire edition of the offset lithograph of Bananas (7.3" x 17"), so the print will no longer be available to collectors. Many thanks to all who have viewed Bananas on this website, and all who have purchased the prints. Since being placed on the site, Bananas has received an enormous number of hits, making it our 12th most frequently visited image. Please note that Giclees of Bananas will continue to be available on canvas in three sizes.
Recent Artwork in The Honolulu Advertiser |
One of Alex's recent works, painted with watercolor and mixed media on paper, appears with the "Prescriptions" column in last month's issue of The Honolulu Advertiser. See page E3 of the Island Life section.
Greeting Cards of Several Artworks Sell Out |
For all those ordering greeting cards of Alex's artwork: Please note that we are sold out of several items. These include the Aloha! 5" x 6.8" Folded Greeting Cards, the Pas de Deux 5" x 7" Folded Greeting Cards, the Currents 5" x 7" Post Cards, the Elysium 5" x 6.75" Folded Greeting Cards, the Kaleidoscope 4" x 6" Post Cards, and the Ohana Trio 4.25" x 5.5" Folded Greeting Cards.
New Matted Prints Available |
Many of Alex's artworks are now available as custom-matted prints, ready to be shipped in a variety of sizes. In all, 25 new items are available, including matted prints of Hibiscus, Aloha!, Destination, Two Plumerias, Beginnings, Kaleidoscope, Full Bloom, Elysium, Pas de Deux, Spectrum, and Currents. All of our matted prints come with backings and are wrapped in clear plastic protectors, and all are specially priced for collectors who order them through this website. (See pages for individual artworks for sizes and pricing.)
| passes 220,000-hit mark |
We're pleased to report that during the first eight months that this website was up and running the total number of hits we received was 220,055, and the rate of traffic has continued to rise steadily. Last month we received hits from visitors in more than 25 countries, a record number of visitors remained on the site for more than an hour, and 37 percent of you added the site to your "favorites" folders. The number of visits exceeds all expectations for a site not intended for major commercial traffic. We appreciate every one of your visits, and we're grateful to all those who have ordered Giclees, lithographs, and greeting cards.
"Art From the Heart" Extended Through October |
Due to the overwhelming response to Alex's fundraiser for the Red Cross, and the continued need for funds to help hurricane victims, he has decided to extend "Art from the Heart" for another month. Collectors who send donations payable to the American Red Cross can now obtain the free prints through October. To read the article posted on the Channel 2 News website, click HERE; to read a press release about the fundraising drive, click HERE.
Interview on khon2 news |
On September 7th, KHON Channel 2 TV News visited Alex's studio. Morning News anchor Tannya Joaquin interviewed Alex about his art and current fundraising drive, and Alex was filmed putting touches on one of his Giclees. The interview aired on the September 8th evening news and twice on the September 9th morning news. To read the article posted on the KHON2 website, click HERE; to view still shots from the film, click HERE and scroll down the page.
Prints donated to hurricane relief |
To raise funds for hurricane relief efforts, Alex is giving away free prints of two of his artworks to anyone who sends him a donation of $75 or more for the American Red Cross. As reported in The Honolulu Advertiser, you can acquire the prints by sending Alex a check payable to the Red Cross. His fundraising drive will continue through September. (Note: since this news item was posted, Alex has extended his fundraiser through October.) For more information, click HERE.
Signs Display Artwork on Phone Book Cover |
Billboards and displays featuring Alex's painting Aloha! on the cover of the Paradise Pages have been installed at public locations on Oahu, Maui, Kauai, and the Big Island. Locations where the signs appear on Oahu include Honolulu International Airport, the Hawaii State Convention Center, the University of Hawaii, and Ward Center. The signs vary in shape and range in size up to approximately 20 feet wide.
Update on most recent mountaineering fundraiser |
As reported in The Honolulu Advertiser, last year Alex joined a mountain climbing expedition on Aconcagua in South America to raise funds for the Muscular Dystrophy Association. Aconcagua is the highest peak in the Western hemisphere, rising to an elevation of 22,841 feet in the Andes range. Since his trip Alex has been working on a painting based on the climb. The painting, which is titled The Stone Sentinel, is now completed. All proceeds from sales of the Limited Edition print of the painting are being donated to the MDA. To date, several thousand dollars have been contributed to the Association by collectors who have ordered the prints.
Alex's artwork on statewide phone book cover |
As those of you living in Hawaii may have noticed, Alex's art is currently featured on the cover of the statewide Paradise Pages phone book. Alex's cover painting, entitled Aloha!, depicts a hula dancer on a beach. This is the only hand-painted work of art ever chosen for the cover of the Paradise Pages. For more information on the painting, click HERE.